Relaunch of Limn



The first ten issues of Limn are still available, online and in print.

Limn is back!

After a brief hiatus, Limn is returning with new projects and a fresh editorial team. We need your help!

Limn 2.0 will continue to approach contemporary problems from oblique and surprising angles. It will remain free and open access online and have beautiful print issues for sale. Limn will remain a not-for-profit, not-just-scholarly journal. We are working to make it more accessible, sustainable, and legible to a wide range of readers.

To make this happen, we aim to raise $20,000 to support our rebooting costs and the first year of operation.

Provided we can meet this goal, Limn 11—The Obsolescence Issue will be released in November of 2024. Subsequent issues (now in the works) will follow soon thereafter.

Thank you for your support!

Support Tiers

Subscriber—$60: This will get you copies of Limn’s next two issues (nos. 11 and 12), in glorious print, mailed to the location of your choice.

Supporter—$100: Copies of Limn’s next two issues (nos. 11 and 12), in glorious print, mailed to the location of your choice, and your name printed, with thanks, on our website and in future issues.

Charter/Institutional Supporter$500 and above: Got a center or research funds in need of a good cause? Get copies of Limn’s next four issues (nos. 11, 12, 13, & 14), in glorious print, mailed to the location of your choice, along with your name or that of your institution listed on our website and in print as a Limn charter supporter.

Ambassador—$90: Want to help Limn get into libraries and find institutional support? By becoming an ambassador, you will receive copies of the next two issues of Limn (nos. 11 & 12), in glorious print, and get copies of two past issues alongside information and coaching from us on how to approach your institution to secure support for Limn.

Other—$?: If these tiers don’t work for you, we’ll take anything you can offer: change from the couch, pennies you find in the street, high-fives, etc.