David Reubi


David Reubi is a sociologist and anthropologist trained at the London School of Economics (MSc, 2001; PhD, 2009). His work explores the biopolitics of global health and biomedicine, drawing on insights from post-structuralist thought and social studies of science. David’s research interests include: Africa and the non-communicable disease epidemic; health activism and biological citizenship; neoliberalism and the economisation of global health; global health and the politics of epidemiological evidence and numbers; as well as human rights and bioethics. His work has been funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Brocher Foundation, the European Research Council and the Economic Social and Research Council. Before joining King’s College London, David worked at the London School of Economics, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.

David is currently working on The Biopolitics of the African Smoking Epidemic – Activism and Knowledge in International Initiatives to Reduce Tobacco Use and Cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa funded through a Wellcome Trust 3-Year Research Fellowship in Society and Ethics. Specifically, the project examines the ways in which international experts and activists in tobacco and cancer control imagine Africa and the NCD epidemic on the subcontinent. Using a multi-sited ethnographic approach and influenced by science and technology studies, I am also exploring how these experts and activists attempt – as part of initiatives funded by the Gates and Bloomberg Foundations – to transfer their forms of advocacy, epidemiological evidence and economic knowledge to Mauritius, Senegal and South Africa. The project has led to the publication of articles in BioSocieties, Global Public Health, Medical History and Health & Place as well as a book on The Geographies of Global Health co-edited with Dr Clare Herrick (Routledge, forthcoming). It has also led to invited presentations at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex, the Department of Anthropology at UCL, the LSE Cities Centre and the Royal Geographical Society. Similarly, the project will see the organisation of a two-day workshop on The Politics of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Global South at King’s College and Queen Mary. Furthermore, as part of the project, David spent some time as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Social Studies of Medicine at McGill University and the African Centre for Cities at the University of Cape Town.
